November 15, 2008

October 2008 Book Club 4 Year Anniversary! "Sunshine" by Robin Mckinley

You probably thought I forgot about you! No, it is only the usual excuse, a hectic schedule with school at KC and my class at PITT.

It has been several weeks since our October book club met to discuss the novel Sunshine by Robin McKinley. Becky, Cheryl, Ginnie, Lori, and myself were present at Panera Bread where the meeting was held.

There is not much to say about the book Sunshine, since only one of our members actually completed it. Our first book from the science fiction genre, it was slow moving with unnecessary rambling on by the narrator. The plot could have been completed in half the number of pages used to write the book. There was no life altering thematic messages or quotes that one would hope to remember.

I did make one personal connection while reading, however, when the narrator described her mother as a person who will not let go of things. For instance, after the narrator and main character Rae returns to work at the coffee house following her kidnapping, she says, "I wanted to return to my life and get the freaking out over with, so I didn't have to keep coming back to it, and I knew mom wasn't through yet." I know my daughter Makenzie has felt the same way about me. Whenever she has something to tell me of which she knows will "freak me out," she tells me then knows I will dwell on it for a time before I am over it. Like Rae explains, "Mom and I hadn't gone in for light conversation for years, since it never stayed light between us. But Mom was trying to behave herself." I hope Makenzie, too, realizes, although our conversations seldom remain light, I have been trying earnestly to "behave myself."

Our November book choice Loving Frank by Nancy Horan is a winner! A page turner, in two days I finished the historical fiction novel about Frank Lloyd Wright and his love affair with Mamah Borthwick, and beyond that, I will not say another word until the meeting. Although, I will tell you this, it is now on the list as one of my book club favorites! Please attend the meeting at 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, November 19, to discuss this phenomenal selection.

Looking ahead to the holiday season, our December Christmas party will be at Cheryl Ramsey's on Saturday, December 20. This date seemed to be open for the majority of members who responded to the email.

Possible homework assignment:
Bring to book club an additional piece of Frank LLoyd Wright trivia not found in the book to add to our background on this notorious character. (I still think we should plan a book club field trip to Falling Water and Kentuck Knob!)

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