November 29, 2010

October 2010 Book Club 6 Year Anniversary "The Blue Notebook" by James Levine

Hi Everyone,

I know this is last minute, but book club will convene Saturday, November 13. After reading the book Mennonite in a Little Black Dress by Rhoda Janzen, we will visit the Mennonite community of Harmony, PA. Saturday is their annual Christmas Market. To start, we will park at the Butler' Kohls parking lot at 10:45 A.M. then carpole to Harmony. While there we will have lunch and discuss the book and our upcoming Christmas book club. If you haven't read Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, treat yourself to a good time. It is a hilarious as well as an easy read.

My comments on the Blue Notebook are brief as I only finished reading it in response to duress. Although mildly disturbing and definitely erotic, the story of Batuk has an innonence that survives the ugliness. Levine's style of writing is fluent and colorful. It sails. Cheryl and Ginnie identified a quote from their reading that I believe captures the essence or theme of the book, "You can never really straighten bent metal, you can only make it less bent." Poor Batuk, whatever becomes of her? After she is saved from the sadist Iftikhar, is their hope that someone will rehabilitate her, or is she dead?

Please attend our book club "field trip" on Saturday to discuss this month's light-hearted read and to enjoy a day with friends. Check out the Christmas Market link at

Yours in reading,

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